Dell EMC Networking Ansible module examples

These module examples explain how to create a simple Ansible playbook, run the Dell EMC Networking Ansible modules, then configure a switch using Ansible roles.

Create simple Ansible playbook

  1. Create an inventory file called inventory.yaml and specify the IP address.
spine1 ansible_host=
  1. Create a host variable file called host_vars/spine1.yaml then define the host, credentials, and transport.
hostname: spine1
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: xxxxx
  1. Create a playbook called showver.yaml.
hosts: spine1
connection: network_cli
gather_facts: no

- name: "Get Dell EMC OS9 Show version"
    commands: ['show version']
  register: show_ver

- debug: var=show_ver
  1. Run the playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml showver.yaml

Run Dell EMC Networking Ansible examples

Use these sample Ansible playbooks to understand how to use Dell EMC Networking Ansible modules.

Installation and setup

  1. Install Ansible.
  2. Clone the Ansible-dellos-examples repository in the control machine.
  3. Update the inventory.yaml file to configure the device IP.
  4. Update the corresponding host variables (use hosts_var/dellos10_sw1.yaml for device credentials).


dellos6_facts module that collects the facts from the OS6 device example

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml getfacts_os6.yaml

dellos6_command module that executes the show version command example

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml showver_os6.yaml

dellos6_config module that configures the hostname on the OS6 device example

ansible-playbook -vvv -i inventory.yaml hostname_os6.yaml


dellos9_facts module that collects the facts from the OS9 device example

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml getfacts_os9.yaml

dellos9_command module that executes the show version command example

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml showver_os9.yaml

dellos9_config module that configures the hostname on the OS9 device example

ansible-playbook -vvv -i inventory.yaml hostname_os9.yaml


dellos10_facts module that collects the facts from the OS10 device example

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml getfacts_os10.yaml

dellos10_command module that executes the show version command example

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml showver_os10.yaml

dellos10_config module that configures the hostname on the OS10 device example

ansible-playbook -vvv -i inventory.yaml hostname_os10.yaml

Playbook using Ansible roles example

Use these examples to configure the switch using Ansible roles.

  1. Create an inventory file called inventory.yaml and specify the device IP address.
spine1 ansible_host= <ip_address>
  1. Create a host variable file called host_vars/spine1.yaml then define the host, credentials, and transport.
hostname: dellos9

ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_become_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos9

        fortyGigE 0/32:
          desc: "Connected to Spine1"
          switchport: False
          mtu: 2500
          admin: up
          ipv6_and_mask: 2001:4898:5808:ffa2::5/126
          suppress_ra : present
          ip_type_dynamic: true
          class_vendor_identifier: present
          option82: true
          remote_id: hostname
        fortyGigE 0/20:
          switchport: False
        fortyGigE 0/64:
          switchport: True
        fortyGigE 0/60:
          switchport: True
        fortyGigE 0/12:
          switchport: True
        loopback 0:
          admin: up
        Port-channel 12:
          switchport: True
        vlan 100:
          name: "Mgmt Network"
          description: "Int-vlan"
                - port: fortyGigE 0/60
                  state: present
                - port: fortyGigE 0/12
                  state: present
          state: present
  1. Create a playbook called switch_config.yaml.
- hosts: dellos9
  gather_facts: no
  connection: network_cli
        - Dell-Networking.dellos-interface
        - Dell-Networking.dellos-vlan
  1. Run the playbook.
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml switch_config.yaml