Provisioning hot swap use case using Dell EMC Networking Ansible modules

This example use case topology includes a simple two-tier CLOS fabric with 2 spines and 4 leafs. These steps will show how you Spine 2 will be hot swapped without traffic loss.

map to buried treasure

Create simple Ansible playbook

  • Part 1 - covers creating an inventory file and host variable file for spine2, creating a pre-step hot swap playbook, then running the playbook
  • Part 2 - covers creating an inventory file and host variable file for each leaf (4), creating a playbook to delete the ecmp path for spine2 from each leaf, then running the playbook
  • Part 3 - covers replacing spine2 with a new switch, booting an OS10 image, creating inventory and host variable files for the new spine2, creating a post hot swap playbook, then running the playbook

Part 1

Refer to the CLOS fabric example to configure a 6 node CLOS fabric with EBGP. Use the example and run the playbook.

Create an inventory file called inventory.yaml, then specify the device IP address for spine2.

spine2 ansible_host=




Create a host variable file called host_vars/spine2.yaml, then define the host and credentials.

  • Take a backup of the running configuration to a remote location
  • Shut down the BGP neighbors in the hot swap switch to avoid traffic drop
hostname: spine2
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos10

    - copy_type: scp
      username: linuxadmin
      password: linuxadmin
      file_path: /home/linuxadmin/running-config

    asn: 64901
      - type: ipv4
        remote_asn: 64801
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv4
        remote_asn: 64802
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv4
        remote_asn: 64803
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv4
        remote_asn: 64804
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv6
        remote_asn: 64801
        ip: 2001:100:2:1::2
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv6
        remote_asn: 64802
        ip: 2001:100:2:11::2
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv6
        remote_asn: 64803
        ip: 2001:100:2:21::2
        admin: down
        state: present
      - type: ipv6
        remote_asn: 64804
        ip: 2001:100:2:31::2
        admin: down
        state: present
    state: present

Create a playbook called hot_swap_pre_step.yaml:

- hosts: datacenter
  gather_facts: no
  connection: network_cli
      - name: Assembling configfurations
        assemble: src={{ build_dir }} dest={{ build_dir }}/{{hostname}}.conf regexp='\\S_{{hostname}}\\S'
      - name: "copy running config to remote location"
             - command: 'copy running-configuration {{item.copy_type}}://{{item.username}}:{{item.password}}@{{item.host_ip}}:{{item.file_path}}'
               #If the switch asks for credentials for copy command, use the below commented statements to give the prompt and password
               #prompt: 'admin:'
               #answer: 'admin'
        with_items: '{{copy_running_remote}}'
- hosts: datacenter
  connection: network_cli
    build_dir: "/root/debug"
    - Dell-Networking.dellos-bgp

Run the playbook.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml hot_swap_pre_step.yaml

Part 2

  1. After shutting the neighborship in the spine2 switch, check if the ECMP path to spine2 is deleted in each of the leaf switches.

Create an inventory file called inventory.yaml, then specify the device IP address of all leaf switches:

leaf1 ansible_host=
leaf2 ansible_host=
leaf3 ansible_host=
leaf4 ansible_host=




Create a host variable file called host_vars/leaf1.yaml, then define the host and credentials. The remote_neighbor_ip is the EBGP neighbor IP of spine2 with each of each leaf switch (see the CLOS fabric example for EBGP configuration):

hostname: leaf1
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos10

remote_neighbor_ip: ""

Create a host variable file called host_vars/leaf2.yaml, then define the host and credentials:

hostname: leaf2
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos10

remote_neighbor_ip: ""

Create a host variable file called host_vars/leaf3.yaml, then define the host and credentials:

hostname: leaf3
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos10

remote_neighbor_ip: ""

Create a host variable file called host_vars/leaf4.yaml, then define the host and credentials:

hostname: leaf4
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos10

remote_neighbor_ip: ""

Create a playbook called waitfor_ecmp_path_delete.yaml


A debug message will print when the ECMP path for spine2 is deleted in each of the leaf switches.

- hosts: datacenter
  gather_facts: no
  connection: network_cli
    build_dir: "/root/debug"
    - name: Assembling configfurations
        assemble: src={{ build_dir }} dest={{ build_dir }}/{{hostname}}.conf regexp='\\S_{{hostname}}\\S'
    - name: "Wait for spine2 routes delete in {{ hostname }}"
             - command: "show ip route bgp | grep {{ remote_neighbor_ip }}"
      retries: 10
      delay: 5
      register: result
      until: result.stdout[0] == ""
    - debug:
        msg: "{{ hostname }} has deleted the ECMP to spine2 switch"
      when: result.stdout[0] == ""
  1. Execute the playbook.

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml waitfor_ecmp_path_delete.yaml

Part 3

  1. After checking the spine2 ECMP path deletion in all leaf switches, replace spine2 with a new switch. The new spine2 switch should be connected as the old spine switch after it boots up with an OS10 image.

    • Manually assign the same spine2 management IP address (for example,
    • Use the Management IP provided by the DHCP server
  2. Create an inventory file called inventory.yaml, then specify the device IP address for spine2. The device IP can be same spine2 IP or an IP obtained from the DHCP server (x.x.x.x).

spine2 ansible_host=x.x.x.x



  1. Create a host variable file called host_vars/spine2.yaml, then define the host, credentials, and apply the same backup configuration that was saved earlier.
hostname: spine2
ansible_ssh_user: xxxxx
ansible_ssh_pass: xxxxx
ansible_network_os: dellos10

    - copy_type: scp
      username: linuxadmin
      password: linuxadmin
      file_path: /home/linuxadmin/running-config

Create a playbook called hot_swap_post_step.yaml

- hosts: datacenter
  gather_facts: no
  connection: network_cli
      - name: Assembling configfurations
        assemble: src={{ build_dir }} dest={{ build_dir }}/{{hostname}}.conf regexp='\\S_{{hostname}}\\S'
      - name: "copy running config to remote location"
             - command: 'copy {{item.copy_type}}://{{item.username}}:{{item.password}}@{{item.host_ip}}:{{item.file_path}} running-configuration'
               #If the switch asks for credentials for copy command, use the below commented statements to give the prompt and password
               #prompt: 'admin:'
               #answer: 'admin'
        with_items: '{{copy_remote_running}}'

Execute the playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml hot_swap_post_step.yaml
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